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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    python new test framework is required. updated in this fork

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    python new test framework is required. updated in this fork

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    final sample test does not comply with description

    every test input will end with a punctuation mark

        Test.assertEquals(esrever(''), '')
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    • Description should be language-agnostic

    • Example and fixed tests on j included in plaintext and square should be tested

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    Missing test framework and solution imports in Python tests

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    The behavior of j and i is somewhat unclear from the description and example test cases. While you say j should be treated as i, neither the examples in the description nor in the test cases contain a "j" in the square paramater. They do, however, contain i's. Therefore, one might assume that the instruction meant to perform a j to i substitution on the plaintext. This has clearly confused others than just me.

    I suggest altering the description to say: If either an i or j appears in the encryption square text, the corresponding two-letter code should be used to encrypt both i and j. Furthermore, you should remove all mention of a substitution from the decryption section of the description. It says (PLEASE NOTE, j SHOULD BE TREATED AS i), but this is incorrect. If a j appears in the square text for adfgx_decrypt, then if the corresponding two-letter code appears in the ciphertext, your tests expect a j, not an i.

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    JS: Node v12 should be used along with the appropriate assertion tools (Mocha + Chai)

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    In python the natural way to return multiple values is using a tuple, not a list.

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    Rounding prevents correct float comparision. Two similar values (within tolerance) may be rouded to different values.
    Floats should be compared with test.assert_approx_equals.

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    Encryption/decryption functions should be called once per test-sequence.

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