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    for those who's struggling: take a look at the last sample test.
    There is no function call: expectError(...,, this is just a property

    Btw this is a huge disadvantage of the kata. It is soo unclear

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    Issue not reproducible. Probably user error, not kata error. Closing.

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    i had the same problem ? could you tell me how can i fixed it ?

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    Same happened to me right now, after completed blue(4ryu) kata got just 1 honor. This solution works yet? I mean, if I complete another kata I'll retrieve my lost honor points?

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    joh_pot is correct. I noticed the same behavior. After completing the next kata, you are reward with points for the current kata and 'missing' points from previous kata.

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    Just complete another quick kata, usually it will update then.

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    That line should work. As I said above, the error probably stems from other problem in the code.
    Could you post your code here(mark it as spoiler)?

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    Throwing an error is working for me. Propably some other error in your code (Off by one, maybe?).