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    '1' is a first column from SELECT,
    '2' - second, '3' - third, etc.

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    I'm not able to replicate this problem in the editing panel for the Ruby version of this. Testing the duplicate solution function provided in the test case with GnnOwwceJ gives me ())())((( and not a bunch of )s, nor do the other random tests. If anyone else has seen this issue please bring it up again.

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    Seeing some issues w/ random ruby tests.


    Testing for word: GnnOwwceJ

    It Should encode ')))))))))' - Expected: ")))))))))", instead got: "())())((("

    According to the test, all of the letters in the above string appear more than once. They obviously don't. G, O, C, E and J all appear once, regardless of capitalization. This is the simplest I've seen, but it appears that all of the random character string tests in Ruby are broken. They all expect a series of ')' characters, matching the length of the string, but not actually testing the case.