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    looks like your code returns -1 for everything

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    Thanks! I thought the inputlist had to be valid as well.

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    That's spoiling part of the solution. Please don't... One needs to think, try, fail, try again, to solve a kata (and learn), not read the Discourse page.

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    They shouldn't be all valid, that's a list of words, it can contain invalid ones and you can't use them. See the 5th example.

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    It was very fun kata, it took me 2 whole days to find a solution but it defiantly was worth the satisfaction, Thanks for the fun ;)

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    The sampletest input dataset is not valid against the requirements:

        String[] alice = new String[]{"plat", "rend", "bear", "soar", "mare", "pare", "flap", "neat", "clan", "pore"};
        String[] bob = new String[]{"boar", "clap", "mere", "lend", "near", "peat", "pure", "more", "plan", "soap"};

    The third word of bob ("mere") does not have 4 unique letters

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    thanks sir ^^
    i passed the random test ^^

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    the error ones is at the bottom
    sry sir
    let me test again

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    And what was the error message for that input?

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    i got this result sir.

    Alice = [acne, bide, bong, lime, hath, duos, tail, guls, cows, achy, harl, unco, jouk, airy, delt, item, drys, quip, data, berm, ruts, move, bops, amie, lash, muso, mewl, filo, gars, sand, kava, muni, bima, soja, dies, haen, ebon, haji, byte, moly, funs, deed, cate, cone, buns, ways, obis, ambo, duel, surd, lavs, boar, acyl, whid, tels, dags, ears, blah, liny, oral, last, tuts, balm, feel, lint, soon, lore, then, rimu, tyin, over, whys, qadi, mode, deys, loto, inns, alme, phot, oint, zebu, wits, most, alps, hors, arty, hall, ixia, haes, hart, kind, nobs, dido, ocas, loin, chef, redd, nurl, aged, half]

    Bob = [leek, ends, pegs, immy, want, zigs, less, wady, zest, tall, lops, thru, toro, puts, fley, meme, bled, ford, whim, case, midi, tuis, wham, gimp, trey, muni, java, corf, pram, alba, bloc, cobb, ails, craw, ogre, jehu, aced, icon, tuna, mead, amia, dado, lins, uses, pest, prof, olds, duel, silt, slur, blin, ados, mols, kaes, rats, flus, aged, pies, bola, shun, crab, fuss, bawl, tony, bowl, yean, sari, wynd, lent, zero, made, sons, tome, perk, hahs, gosh, dreg, dirl, mote, tale, hoya, pops, cauf, gams, time, tons, sunk, wynn, chef, veep, sect, grey, arch, onyx, sola, mein, dost, ball, pome, larn]

    word: "mile"

    first: 0
    start word -> mile
    Neither Win !!!

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    thanks ^^

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