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    Normally I would say to make it mandatory, but it seems that a kata like that was already created, as pointed out by Zozo. I'll let you decide.

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    It would certainly make it more interesting.

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    Haven't been on CodeWars for months, but you've piqued my interest. I'll look into it this week.

    @GiacomoSorbi Thanks for the translation. You are welcome to implement jolaf's suggestion if you want, but I have no idea if it's possible to give someone else editorial privileges on a kata.

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    Yeah after your first comment I've noticed that myself and I've updated them to match the U.S., Canada and modern British system, it seems that I've been using some Greek-based system for the last two.

    I've also added a link to the Wikipedia article along with the name of the column where the magnitudes can be found and added a simple message if a test doesn't pass.

    I'll be sure to invest more time on my next katas to prevent such silly mistakes. This one was pretty rushed.

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    Many thanks for the feedback! I've updated the tests and they should be fine enough as they are now, I guess. That mistake I did was quite horrible.