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    • Click the spoiler tag when posting code. (I have added the tag).
    • Use proper markdown when posting code. I was able to know your Python indentation here only because the code is simple. Otherwise I would not want to guess at it.
    • placing get_middle("cJq") with your code runs the code, but doesn't test it. You can create sample tests by using expected results from random tests: Test.assert_equals(get_middle("cJq"), "J")
    • you need to look at the error messages:
    Testing for jelqimTJlNhTk
    It should work for random inputs too: 'mTJ' should equal 'T'

    This shows that you are returning three characters instead of one. So you have that to fix in your code now.

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    What do you mean by

    testing those tests

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    Bluntly, your end is not correctly validating your code. You have to go with the Codewars results.

    I was able to pass the test

    Sounds like you only passed the sample tests part. When you press SUBMIT, there are fixed and random tests you have to pass.