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    Thank you, updated the description to reflect these suggestions. Good catch on the last row too, somehow missed that when writing up the description - should be more language agnostic now

  • Custom User Avatar

    I'm contemplating how to continue the series. Whether I should group similar strategies or make a kata for each specific strategy. Probably 15 kata's in this series is overkill. But grouping might also lead to a steep increase in difficulty level. What do you think?

  • Custom User Avatar

    One at a time :) The most recent was in beta for months, and I still consider that kata one of the "easier" algorithms. So don't expect many kata's soon ;)

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    Python translaton available on Naked Single. Can you check if description is language-agnostic (enough) for you?

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    Found the bug in my Python translation, I now get good results, as in your kumite. I'll work on a Python translation. Thanks for the assistance.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Ok I found the bug in my dynamic rendering of the HTML. Now it works, as it does in your fork. I'll continue on a Python translation.

  • Custom User Avatar

    this looks good

  • Default User Avatar

    so is this doing the thing or no?
    I put the entire output from running Naked Single in a fork of this as well.

  • Custom User Avatar

    that's expected

  • Default User Avatar

    I thought that was the whole point :|

  • Default User Avatar

    Well, I put it in a kumite. It looks the same way to me there as it does in Naked Single. What am I missing? I might be a blathering idiot for not seeing the problem, I'm operating on the basis that it seems to me like this is something printed and thus language agnostic. I'm just copying it from the DOM in my browser so idk if there's something special you're doing on the js side or like at all how this appears to you.

  • Custom User Avatar

    It's only printing the first frame. I can't get it to animate.

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    Not sure how or if I could be possibly adding anything, but it's all about what you print (I therefore don't imagine that the language has any impact), so I lifted this from one of those other kata:

    # run in kata
    print("""<style>.board0:after{ content: "";
                                   animation: anim0 1s infinite;
                                 } @keyframes anim0 {   0% { content: "A"; }
                                                      100% { content: "B"; }
             </style><span class="board0"></span>""")

    idk what's what exactly here tbh, especially where board0 is from (maybe they're unique for each animation, board0 board1 board2 etc ..). there were also a bunch of \a's in content that I have no clue what they were there for. I replaced contents with just A/B for this example, in that kata they are the entire boards which are replaced with one another.

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    Well I tried, but I'm unable to make the animations work in Python. It will remain JS only.

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