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    Yep, bad luck. :( It also happened to me a few times and it was really frustrating xD

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    Thank you Ciprian Amza, Just bad timing I guess that it happened when I was working on it and went from 'Beta' to 'Retired'

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    If a kata is retired, it will always stay retired. You can also see others solutions without unlocking them, and you can't submit a new solution.

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    Hello folks,

    Had just completed the 'test' tests successfully and it suddenly came up retired?
    Has this kata gone permanently now?

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    1. There will not be more then (-> than) one object next to Waldo.

    array = [["Wilhelm", ...

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    the order of the given input and the instructions are different: "circular race track (km) and the time you run (h)" ≠ "time,round_length"

    The Test description "test 2,1,1000,1000" may be more detailed. Example: "my_speed: 2, ghost_speed: 1, time: 1000, round_length: 1000"

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    Increased random tests to 100.

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    Fixed cases with missing points in the string "Cannot find Waldo."
    When Waldo is missing, the text is still "Can not find Waldo.". If there are no objects around Waldo, you must return "Waldo is in the crowd."
    Added test-case where Waldo is surrounded by people. Added random-tests where Waldo is missing.
    The example test cases now contain every possible output (next to object, surrounded by people, Waldo missing).

    Thanks for the feedback.

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    • From the description, the returned string is "Can not find Waldo.", but in the actual tests, there is no trailing dot.
    • It doesn't really make sense to return "Can not find Waldo" when Waldo is there, but there is no object
    • the example tests should contain at the very least one test with each possible output (=> without waldo & without object)


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    10 random tests is bit too few, should be increased to 100 or so

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    Random tests have been added. Array width and height vary individually.
    Position of placed object around Waldo is random.
    Possibility that there is no object around Waldo is also given.

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    Added the rule "There will not be more then one object next to Waldo."

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    You may want to invest in random tests