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    too easy for 4kyu

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    Python tests are still broken, random portion tests negative page indexs which should return -1 but tests expects different answer.

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    No test cases for negative numbers, also description should state that you are rounding up.

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    Details say cases with all be > 5, this is not true. Dictating behavior for case of size = 0 would be good as it doesn't specify in the details but it the first case when submiting solutions, which also does not provide feedback.

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    Is it still this? becuase this is correct, turning once more would put a 0 adjacent to 2 other 0's.

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    Consider more examples or more explicit definitions of what you want the functions to do, shouted and whispered are clear but I couldn't tell if spoken was meant to return the message unaltered or capitalize the first letter or ...

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    Weird, I don't see it anymore. Language was python. Must have been some local weirdness.

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    I guess I interperated it as asking to only display that behavior when two words are specifically seperated by a hyphen as that would be the most reasonable character to be seperating two objects in practical applications, I can see how I was mistaken but I would still suggest clarifying in the description, or maybe just add an example showing the punctuation other than hyphens should be preserved. Thanks for taking the time, nice kata.

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    Consider changing test cases, as the currest ones will validate code that simply reversed the input.

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    test cases should be



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    Base code already provides 90% of the solution, consider removing some?

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    Should mention in the description that punctuation should be preserved, I got error
    "Input: the; : 'the' should equal 'the; '"

    edit: maybe the tests are just bad because it also tells me balloon'doggy => b5n'd3y, and "Input: monolithic, is'sits'is: a; balloon-monolithic, : 'm8c is s2s is a b5n-m8c' should equal "m8c, is's2s'is: a; b5n-m8c," which from the description seems wrong.