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    I ranked up today and got this (as tweet content) when I clicked on the tweet button in the notification:-

    {:"7_kyu"=>"I just achieved my first rank up on @codewars! I'm now 7 kyū! Come join me #codewarriors!.{referral_token}", :"6_kyu"=>"I'm now a 6 kyū yellow belt on @codewars! Come join me #codewarriors!.{referral_token}", :"5_kyu"=>"I'm now a 5 kyū yellow belt on @codewars! Come join me #codewarriors!.{referral_token}", :"4_kyu"=>"I'm now a 4 kyū blue belt on @codewars! Come join me #codewarriors!.{referral_token}", :"3_kyu"=>"I'm now a 3 kyū blue belt on @codewars! Come join me #codewarriors!.{referral_token}", :"2_kyu"=>"I'm now a 2 kyū purple belt on @codewars! Come join me #codewarriors!.{referral_token}", :"1_kyu"=>"I'm now a 1 kyū purple belt on @codewars! Come join me #codewarriors!.{referral_token}", :"1_dan"=>"I'm a 1 dan black belt on @codewars!!! Do you know how rare that is!?{referral_token}"}

    I don't know if this is a known bug or where to post such bugs, so there it is. Hoping some dev to take note of that and put it on the "To Fix" list. Btw, Love Codewars so far. :)

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    My user profile simply says "Stats are being refreshed, page will reload when done", and has done for hours now. New Katas I have completed in this time do not seem to have affected my rank or honour.

    Is this usually a long process, or has something broken?

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    Strange thing. When I am on my Home page and looking on Katas to train, there show up only topics but no description, and whether button train or skip is pressed the topics going to change so that the kata cannot be started.
    There is some maintenance process on page or what?

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    So how come I have finished a few kata this evening but my honor has not changed at all? It appears to be a bug, but I am not signed into github and don't wish to join.