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    Basically the same as mine but just using a different condition setup :)

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    Haha yeah you are right, I wrote this a long time ago when learning to code.

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    Thanks Matt - must have been too late last night I was reading it all wrong haha.

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    You wouldnt want it to stop and return false automatically if x is null, since a null value for both x AND o would return true.
    When using a comparison operator it will always return true if both sides of the operator (in this case using ===) are the same, and otherwise it would return false and that is what this Kata is asking for. :)

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    Hey all - I got this message (showing console.log to try and figure out what the error was) on the 4th test to submit for the final.

    [ 'x', 'x', 'x' ]
    [ 'o', 'o' ]
    Expected: false, instead got: true

    My code is clearly seeing more x's than o's here and the log backs that up, any know what this test it?


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    Oh wow I swear I tried that before I just didn't put it in the right syntax . Thanks!

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    Ah maybe its time to skip this one, I can't even find it in the source.

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    This 8 kyu kata is making me feel really dumb! I'm sure its a simple answer once you figure it out, but I'm totally lost right now haha.

    Any hints anyone?? :D

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    I actually noticed my dumb mistake haha - I had my if statment setup with if i & 5 === 0 instead of if i % 5 === 0 haha i was just using the wrong symbol :/

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    Hey Guys!

    I am getting this:

    Should fizzify 10 numbers correctly
    Fails with 10 numbers! - Expected: [1,2,"Fizz",4,"Buzz","Fizz",7,8,"Fizz","Buzz"], instead got: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
    0 Passed
    1 Failed
    0 Errors
    Process took 202ms to complete

    I got my array setup in the function and the .push under each if statement but It just prints 1-10.

    any help?