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    Changing ranks is expensive, not worth it, and not going to happen. Just enjoy the cheap points.

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    And what was the error message for that input?

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    i've passed the test

    I ran your code; it passes the fixed tests (but not all random tests).

    how to check failed random test string values of alice and bob (java)

    You can just jam in some print statements at the beginning of your code, here ya go:

        System.out.println("\nAlice = " + Arrays.toString(alice));
        System.out.println("\nBob = " + Arrays.toString(bob));
        System.out.println("\nword: \"" + word + "\"");
        System.out.println("\nfirst: " + first);

    i want it to test on my ide

    You'll have to create those tests yourself in your IDE. You can use the random tests you just printed! Just be careful to copy everything correctly.