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    Could there be a problem with test 6 in the c++ version. Beacause when i try my program in dev c++ and i input the corresponding volume(1025292944081377280) of the solution(45001) it works. So i tought myself that there could be a problem. Please help.

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    I know that my code could be inefficient, but the logic is not really complicated to be that slow and inefficient. Like it is 59 lines with three for's and two if statements. I am sure I have made more complicated logics that don't take so much time even with the random tests.
    It's just,... I don't know what i can optimize....

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    I have a problem. When I press run sample tests everything is ok and tests pass, but when i attempt it says that i runned out of time, so that means to me that my loops are going infinite. I wanna know how in some tests the loops are ok and in others they are infinite. Or maybe it times out for a diffrent reason, I don't know. Will appreciate every help.

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    Thanks for the help. I didn't saw that. Now I'll try again. :)

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    In the third basic test isn't it supposed to be 34 and not 33?