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    When I look at your code the first thought I think is "Where's indentation?"

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    You're running into difficulty here because the result of each call to the function must itself be callable (so you can chain another function call), while at the same time also being a legitimate string (in case you don't chain another function call and just use the return value as-is).

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    It's not 'some crap', it is exactly what it says. Your function returns nothing (None), so if the test is add(1)(2), add(1) returns None, and then it attempts to call None(2), which won't work.

    Not a kata issue, but a problem with your code.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Изпользуй утверждение, что наименьший делить составного числа не более корня этого числа. Пропиши данное условие и время на проверку огромных чисел сократится в огромнократно.

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    https://docs.codewars.com/references/markdown#images You need to upload your image to some free host, so it's better to simply post your code instead

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    I've tried pasting a screenshot but I'm unable to and do not know why. Simply pasting it has no effect. Is there some other method?

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    You realise ranks go down right? You at 7kyu are the second lowest rank there is.

    Also, completing a kata at some level means you get points, but it does not mean you magically jump up to that level. User level and kata levels are very seperate things.

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    please read and test BEFORE marking resolved

    There is nothing to test. Every print WILL show up, on all katas, unless it's been explicitly disabled (IDK if possible). The only reason to see no logs is that you're returning before print statement, or an exception is raised (but even then I think all logs show up before the exception is raised).

    If you want to be really sure, you can add another argument to print: print(... , flush=True) (usually used if your code is timing out)

    If it's still not showing up, feel free to post a screenshot or something like that.

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    Empty string is not printed, try print("Input: '" + string + "'") I don't see anything that could make the should handle letter cases work any different. And instead of a wild-goose chase, why don't you show your code? The screenshot isn't there. That way we can know for sure what's wrong with it.

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    Do an experiment. Comment out your entire solution so far (so it does not interfere) and just write simply what is shown in the screenshot:

    def first_non_repeating_letter(string):

    And see if that works (ie. prints out the input, for each tests). Many of us have tried it and it always works, so we are pretty sure it should work for you too. My suspicion is that something is happening in your code to prevent it from reaching the print statement.

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    It will work for every test case.

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    This screenshot shows the non-should handle case cases. All of my other tests show prints... please read and test BEFORE marking resolved

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    This Kata is 5 Kyu, meaning thats how many you get for completing it. If you have less than that, you haven't completed it.... If it was so easy, why didn't you complete it?

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