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    • Missing using System in initial solution setup

    • Method name should be PascalCase

    • Missing useful assertion messages

    • Reference solution should be in private

    • Random test generation should follow Python / Ruby setup, as such:

    validWords = ['This','That','THE','Some','Many','kevin','cheese','kata','CodeWarrior','racoon','has','likes','no','big','pink','tiny','space','holes','bugs','legs','eyes']
            for x in range(0, 100):
                length = random.randint(2, 15)
                buffer = []
                for i in range(0, length):
                buffer2 = buffer.copy()
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    • Please follow the JS translation in generating random tests (only composed of random strings && flick) (same goes for FIXED && SAMPLE tests)

    • Input type should be string[]

    • using System.Collections.Generic; should be removed from initial solution setup due to point above

    • Missing useful assertion messages (this is 8kyu, so it is a necessity)

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    translator, please take note of the fact that this kata has taken the way of singular input type; in this case being strings