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    Yes it was the problem, you had the same var name in both loops conditions RomperCondicion5 (or 3, can't remember and you've changed your code now), but you had different var names inside, RomperCondicion3 and RomperCondicion5. So, instead of exiting the loop, it was running until it timed out because the changes you made to one var didn't affect the other. Well, that's a good reason to keep your code dry (dry = don't repeat yourself). Read this please:

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    You have a typo in your code and it has an infinite loop. Not a kata issue.

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    You can add it into collection --> read more info here

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    Write a function that will return

    the count of

    distinct case-insensitive alphabetic characters and numeric digits

    that occur more than once

    in the input string.

    In indivisibility the letter i occurs 6 times. It is the only letter that occurs more than once. So, the correct answer to this test is 1.