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    Thx a lot

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    I have solved it.

    It says
    'Time: 646ms Passed: 50 Failed: 0'
    'Great! You may take your time to refactor/comment your solution. Submit when ready.'

    However I still see 'attempt' button and 'submit' is not active so I could not submit it.
    I had not such a problem until now on this site...

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    I had a solution and it got "You have passed all of the tests! :) ". Although, when I pushed 'attempt' it said

    '''...Exception("The baseline algorithm found a result with {} total fun, LESS than your proposed {} fun. This should NEVER happen. Please contact the test administrator, something is wrong with the tests.".format(base_fun, proposed_fun))
    Exception: The baseline algorithm found a result with [3, 4, 4, 5, 0, 3] total fun, LESS than your proposed [5, 3, 4, 5] fun. This should NEVER happen. Please contact the test administrator, something is wrong with the tests.'''

    Shell I send my code to you somehow or public here? Sorry, I am completely new...
