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    Hands down one of the worst Katas on here. Don't expect an interesting coding question to sharpen your skills. Just a trivial math problem. Move on to another problem :)
    That fact that approval is at 66% is pretty telling, too.

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    Definitely. This should be a 6 Kyu Kata.

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    Looks like someone had a bad day at work. Don't take it personally. Let the guy raise another 50 issues. Who cares.

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    If the Kata author requires the RomanHelper to be a class, s/he should really provide a template.

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    Thanks for your response! When debugging my solution I noticed along the way that e.g isinstance(True, int) == True which I didn't know before. My fix (at least I assume it is one) was to replace isinstance() with type(). I went through my code again and unfortunately cannot see any place where a bug like this might happen...

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    After another night of trying to get the random tests to pass I just cannot come to another conclusion than that there must be a weird, random error in those tests. I usually pass about 30 or so of them. Then there is a test that says Should fail - but my logging shows that all attributes in all fields are configured in a legal i.e. validation-passing way. How should validation e.g. fail, if all fields have None values and are allowed to be blank? That's just not possible - at least that's how it looks to me.

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    Same for me. I passed all tests a few hours ago - except for the EmailField random tests. It is quite annoying not being able to complete this Kata just because its requirements are pooly specified. Please give a more detailed description of how to validate emails!

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    I strongly agree. I had to make 3 different attempts -- each with a different set of assumptions of what the author might ask me to do -- before I was able to complete this Kata.

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    Agreed. Doing it in C is actually not that easy, too. The string handling isn't super involved but definitely worth more than 8 kyu. It is so unfortunate that it isn't possible to have different difficulty rankings for different languages. Sometimes the tooling makes all the difference between a Kata being super easy or actually quite hard.

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    Not sure why you got down-votes for this. If I understand CodeWars Kyu system correctly, this is a much more trivial problem than the ranking suggests. You're just pointing that out.

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    You're absolutely right, it's very descriptive and self-explanatory. But a lot of work to code up, wasn't it? Sorry, I'm just curious because usually I would spend hours to come up with a supposedly "easy" solution to a coding problem that reduces typing instead of going the route of hardcoding stuff (which might take just 20 min or so).

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    Oh well, I didn't expect that. It's certainly a solution, maybe not an optimal one, though... Any comments why this should be a solution to this problem?