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    Not fixed as of today. Possibly reverted somehow?

    You must return the length of the resulting jump as a string in the following format:
        Jump < 10: "X metres: He's crap!"
        Jump > 10 & < 25: "X metres: He's ok!"
        Jump > 10 & < 50: "X metres: He's flying!"
        Jump > 50: "X metres: Gold!!"
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    Fixed, thanks

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    Thanks for the advice. Do these fit the bill, so to speak?

    Test.assertEquals(timeConversion(9204), '09:24 am', '9204 minutes should convert to: 09:24 am');
    Test.assertEquals(timeConversion(4911), '09:51 am', '4911 minutes should convert to: 09:51 am');
    Test.assertEquals(timeConversion(2606), '07:26 pm', '2606 minutes should convert to: 07:26 pm');
    Test.assertEquals(timeConversion(6201), '07:21 am', '6201 minutes should convert to: 07:21 am');
    Test.assertEquals(timeConversion(515), '08:35 am', '515 minutes should convert to: 08:35 am');
    Test.assertEquals(timeConversion(909), '03:09 pm', '909 minutes should convert to: 03:09 pm');

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    1. When comparing two values that are not booleans, it is better to use Test.assertEquals() than Test.expect() as it aids in debugging.
    2. I see that you have a good amount of fixed tests (12) but you still need random test cases
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    You will find the following translations:
    Ruby here
    Crystal here
    CoffeeScrit here

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    Jump < 10 = 'X metres: He's crap!'
    Jump > 10 && < 25 = 'X metres: He's ok!'
    Jump > 10 && < 50 = 'X metres: He's flying!'
    Jump > 50 = 'X metres: Gold!!'

    should be

    Jump <= 10 = 'X metres: He's crap!'
    Jump > 10 && <= 25 = 'X metres: He's ok!'
    Jump > 25 && <= 50 = 'X metres: He's flying!'
    Jump > 50 = 'X metres: Gold!!'