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    I've improved my code and made it with only one simple loop, but it still throw me the timeout error.
    What i'm doing wrong? Should i post my code and someone can tell me where i'm making a mistake?
    Pd: I have passed all the tests, i am failing at the attempt. I'm Using Visual Basic

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    Yeah i've found and issue in my code( i didn't sort the string), but now that i've done the sort from 0 to 9, i'm again in these errors.
    Expected: 25
    But was: 10
    Food is 180 and for fish 11 it need 220, so its impossible to be fish 25 .
    I don't know what i need to do with it, i don't see any more errors in my code. I've passed all the test examples, but when i made an attempt, it crash.

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    I'm testing in VB. In my code give me these errors, but they're can't be correct. Food is 180 and for fish 11 it need 220, so its impossible to be fish 25 ( and i've sorted the string from 0 to 9 ).
    Testing for '314592418182547723040447879492607488233699817548247311587661201647516859044163023125538599156139716903238827632364817611991660290534702098670085679222110400156853710765281904180699006732420183172736590394011532945774698723509882234410870161189713849703876689423839753580353'
    Test Failed
    Expected: 25
    But was: 10

    Please Fix the test errors.

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    I've used CEILING, TRUNC, ROUND and anyone of them works, it always crash in one or other column. It's not that complicated but i can't get throught it.

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    Easy, but there's two problems: You ask to avoid 'The US', and it should be 'USA' or it will crash. It's silly, but it'll avoid one failed attempt for someone who take it literal.
    I couldn't use the 'NOT CONTAINS' , and i think it's a valid answer for this example.

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    Hi, I'm using Visual Basic, and i'm trying to use the methods Asc() and Chr() to use the ASCII codes, but the program doesn't recognize them. I don't know if it's an error of the program or i must implement an Import dll. Can someone help me with this please?

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    It says the error "Value of type 'String()' cannot be converted to 'String()()' because 'String' is not derived from 'String()'", but String()() doesn't exist, or at least, i didn't find any iformation about it, and i don't know what to do. I convert my String into a String(), but i can't go any further. Can someone explain to me what to do or at least, tell me where can i find information about that "String()()" in VisualBasic?