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    Yes thank you, I did it with rounding it to just 3 and it passed everything. This tortured me, because even when dedugging, it clearly returned 1 as the sum of probabilities, yet strangely hit false which was driving me crazy as it is actually quite an easy problem. I don't know, it was probably a 1,000.....1 or something like that. But wouldn't the exact number be shown, if it were calculated like this?

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    After a few hours of trying, I strategically retreated ( gave up) and took a peak at the solutions. My question is, how to generally approach such problems? I looked into all sorts of possible mathematical solutions, like Euler's totient function or Binomial expansion, and I saw that the solutions are very much simpler that those methods, but I still do not understand the reasoning behind the solutions I saw at all,even though they were rather simple programming- wise. Any advice from more experienced solvers would be greatly appreciated!

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    -Marking it as Resolved-

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    I have run the tests multiple times, and always get a mistaken result, always with the message that "Good to Drink" should equal the other condition. I cannot understand where the error comes from, since it passes dozens of much larger tests every time.

    Aw I found it. I should have used the absolute value of t, my bad. Thank you for assisting me though, I appreciate it. You should create some more demanding Statistics tests, perhaps even barring pre-made libraries from being used, just for the sake of it.

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    Aw yes, I just woke up and saw it, thank you. It was bothering me.
    Now it passes 217 test cases and fails at one:( with a wrong result. How could it pass 217 cases and still get a single wrong result? The algorithm seems correct, I do not understand what the problem is.

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    Medical Doctor? How's that experience? I always admired Doctors, but could never become one due to being micro-phobic. I suppose average cases are not Dr.House- complex like, right?
    Blind4Basics nice algorithm! Are you a professional programmer or you do this as a hobby? ( If we are not supposed to have such general conversations here, please do let me know. I do not want to clog the section with irrelevant discussions. )

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    Thank you for your help. I eventually solved it by reworking the solution from the ground up, after taking a look at it after a period of additional training.
    Two things:
    First, excellent test cases. They cover almost all border cases you could think of given the problem's parameters. It is an art in itself to be able to write good edge / border tests, and I believe Katas focused exactly on that would be quite useful for those interested in Real- World Programming, where things are not as unambiguous as in competitive programming.

    Two, how did you go to 2kuy? How does one develop Computational Thinking? I am asking as a newbie.

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    This is not a level 6kyu in my opinion. This should have been marked a 5, at the least.

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    Did I mark it as an issue? My bad, it was unintentional, because it is a suggestion.

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    A tad more interesting than the previous in the series, but again too primitive. There are plenty of other types that do not get as much coverage, but still are useful like Arrays (numpy), Tuples, doubles etc which could very easily be introduced too, or at least added for more variety.

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    Way too easy, even for an introductory lesson. There are plenty of resources on the web for beginners, with a lot more thought into them like SOlolearn or Codecademy. This site should provide something different, even for beginners, like introduction to various libraries, which is not generally easily found in a comprehensive format on the web, or at least from what I gather.

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    This is way too easy for a level 5kata. I mean, there's a one - liner, built -in method - solution, easily google-able.
    I always wondered with what criteria difficulty ratings are applied; I 've seen some clearly convoluted level 6s who were impossibly hard for their rank, and some very easy 4s. The scaling needs a rework.

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