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    The reference solution is wrong here: it assumes "full caps" as in "more than 1 character from the beginning of a word is in upper case":

    Super, RANDOMRandom CAPS Super,. seven Benny's Super, Benny's eight?
    Expected: 'Repus, Modnarmodnar Spac Repus,. neves S\'ynneb Repus, S\'ynneb thgie?', instead got: 'Repus, MODNARModnar Spac Repus,. neves S\'ynneb Repus, S\'ynneb thgie?'
    Super, superCAPS six Carl's. RANDOM Carl's Don't Random, no?
    Expected: 'Repus, SPACrepus xis S\'lrac. Modnar S\'lrac T\'nod Modnar, on?', instead got: 'Repus, spacrEpus xis S\'lrac. Modnar S\'lrac T\'nod Modnar, on?'

    It is also wrong in the case a word has an upper case letter in the middle:

    Don't eightMoney Ex Ramses'. super Ramses' Benny's Benny's Random?
    Expected: 'T\'nod yenoMthgie Xe Sesmar\'. repus Sesmar\' S\'ynneb S\'ynneb Modnar?', instead got: 'T\'nod yenomThgie Xe Sesmar\'. repus Sesmar\' S\'ynneb S\'ynneb Modnar?'

    (And several more, I stopped trying to list out all of them)

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    • Node 14. should be enabled

    • More sample tests on multiple special characters at end or start should be added

    • There should be 100 random tests at least

    • The description should specify what considers special characters

    • Description should also be reformatted to make example tests clearer

    • The random tests' expected and actual output should not be hidden

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    Needs Random Test.
    And some edge cases

    secretConverter('Dr. AaaaaB.Ccccc iOS co-worker ItOUCH macOS XMLHttpRequest')