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    Could you add using namespace std; to your hidden tests so people aren't forced to add it to their code if they don't want to (C++ Version)?

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    That's how you define an extension method in C#.


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    I'd say that this Kata could probably need some more tests. Maybe you could test that the Uncle Method is used and not just the same string returned.

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    It's probably because someone marked it with "Major Issues" without adding a comment. Which leads to this behaviour.

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    Maybe some tests with some null values in the List could be added? Or do you think this would be too much?

    Nice Kata btw. :)

  • Custom User Avatar

    Looks good, thank you. :-)


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    It'd probaby be a good idea to add some tests to verify that GetY(x) is correctly implemented.

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    Well it's actually the example [TestCase(222222222222, Result=1)] which requires a long. In the final tests it's been replaced with [TestCase(222222222, Result=1)] so I guess you can just replace this one example test with the one of the final tests.

    But what needs changing is the given starting code:

    public class Kata
      public static void TwoCount(int n)
        // your code here

    As a void return type is clearly wrong.

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    Issues with the C# version.

    Replace the given code with:

    public class Kata
      public static int TwoCount(long n)
        // your code here

    And also replace the given tests with:

    using NUnit.Framework;
    public class Tests
      [TestCase(24, Result=3)]
      [TestCase(17280, Result=7)]
      [TestCase(222222222222, Result=1)]
      [TestCase(256, Result=8)]
      [TestCase(1, Result=0)]
      [TestCase(2, Result=1)]
      [TestCase(7, Result=0)]
      [TestCase(84934656, Result=20)]
      public static int FixedTest(long num)
        return Kata.TwoCount(num);
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    Maybe you should define the given input a little more, for example that the input will never be smaller than 3 (-> no prime is smaller than 2). :)

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    It fails, because you convert the string to PascalCase.

    With your solution the input "this-is-a-string" results in "ThisIsAString" but actually should be "thisIsAString" on the other hand if the input were "This-is-a-string" then the result should be "ThisIsAString".

    Hope this helps you out. :-)

  • Custom User Avatar

    Looks good. Actually you could even move the interface into the preloaded section and just show its code in the description. :)

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    There are some small issues with the given tests in C# just replace them with:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using NUnit.Framework;
    public static class Tests
      public static void EmptyTree()
        Pre sol = new Pre();
        Tree happy = new Tree();
      public static void BadTree()
        Pre sol = new Pre();
        Tree happy = new Tree();
      public static void GrownTree()
        Pre sol = new Pre();
        Tree happy = new Tree();

    Also maybe you could add what the return type for the required functions or give a interface which needs to be implemented for example:

    public interface ITree
      void GrowTrunk();
      void GrowBranches();
      void NewBranch();
      void Ouch(int n);
      string Description();
    public class Tree : ITree
      // your awesome code here =)
  • Custom User Avatar

    So here are some things for the C# version:

    Replace your starting code with:

    public static class Kata
      public static string[] CapMe(string[] strings)
        // your awesome code here.

    For some example tests use:

    using NUnit.Framework;
    public class CapitaliseTest
      public void TestAllLower()
        Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "Jo", "Nelson", "Jurie" }, Kata.CapMe(new[] { "jo", "nelson", "jurie" }));
      public void TestAllUpper()
        Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "Jo", "Nelson", "Jurie" }, Kata.CapMe(new[] { "JO", "NELSON", "JURIE" }));
      public void TestMixedCase()
        Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "Jo", "Nelson", "Jurie" }, Kata.CapMe(new[] { "jO", "NelSoN", "jUrIE" }));
      public void TestInverseCase()
        Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "Jo", "Nelson", "Jurie" }, Kata.CapMe(new[] { "jO", "nELSON", "jURIE" }));
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    Looks good. :-)

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