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    @natan True, but the whole point was about me beeing confused. It just took B1t's message to make me realize the problem. Thx anyway :)

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    Thanks B1ts! Finally a good information that solved the misunderstanding!

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    read my second one. Thats what I mean. It should not be this way. Anyway...thanks for trying

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    I can't remember for sure but I was doing something like this:

    myvar = inputvar

    doing stuff with myvar and return it

    feedback: You are not allowed to mutate...:(

    so how can other people swap stuff arround with cloned arrays?

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    When we talk about the original array, are we referring to the original variable itself, or just the order of the elements? At first, I tried to modify the original variable directly. Then, I made a copy of the array and tried to modify the copy, but that didn’t work either. I saw other solutions where people were just swapping elements within the array, which suggests they must have been modifying the original 'order of elements'... It's confusing, isn’t it?

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    Hobovsky, no offense, but did you actually read what I just said? :) I did not try to manipulate the original array. I created a new one, still could not manipulate it

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    As a Kyu7 task, it should highlight this kind of 'rabbit hole' to help prevent people from falling too deeply into it.

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    I could not copy the given array in a new one and manipulate the new one.
    I always received an error that im not allowed to manipulate it, even if its not the original one.
    So I had to create a new one while sorting. WTF, took me like 4 hours to solve.

    Now afterwards I saw from other solutions that others were allowed to manipulate a cloned array :(((

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    I think it depends on the coding language. As far as I can tell python was pretty easy. C# was way to hard with its datatype iEnumerable. I wasn't able to solve it within 15 minutes even after googling after this datatype. Just an array of strings whould have been more apropriated for 8.Kyu

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    lol... this is kyu 8? ridiculous hard...