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    Thanks for your post but for the future don't post an issue before being sure of your code. Issues are for flaws in the kata, you could simply post a question:-) Posts can be labelled with "Issue" "Question" or "Suggestion".

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    My bad! I was interpreting the trailing comma at "SC-28573," as part of the string wheras it was part of the testing framework's message.

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    Please which language? Fixed or random tests? I am pretty sure there are no problem with the tests but it seems that you have extra commas in your results.

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    Hi I think there's an issue with the test:

    For the line:

    +5-541-984-3012 /PO Box 5300; Albertville, SC-28573

    Phone => 5-541-984-3012, Name => Peter Reeves, Address => PO Box 5300 Albertville SC-28573,

    Instead Got:
    Phone => 5-541-984-3012, Name => Peter Reeves, Address => PO Box 5300 Albertville, SC-28573

    For the line:

    133, Green, Rd. NY-56423 ;+1-541-914-3010

    Phone => 1-541-914-3010, Name => E Kustur, Address => 133 Green Rd. NY-56423

    Instead Got:
    Phone => 1-541-914-3010, Name => E Kustur, Address => 133, Green, Rd. NY-56423

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