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    OP solved it, closing. Please provide more context also in raising issues next time.

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    Sure, you have to start from sprint: SRS...SRS

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    RRRS means that t = 4. In your example it will be 134 times R and 1 S. And yes, this isn't a good variant

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    It was already with the words {"dragon", "no", "dog", "on", "good", "offspring"}. I have increased the number of these tests. Thanks for the review

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    It should not differ, but sometimes it can. This kata used to have some bad note about negative numbers and I tried to make it clearer, but forgot to include VB.
    I added the paragraph in VB, but I think I just need to finish adding negative numbers to all languages and make the paragraph about negative inputs not a conditional one.

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    In what language?

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    Please click the link at the end of the description and read that.

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    there is no year 0 in the Gregorian calendar. first century has years [1, 100], and so on

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    Are you sure of that?

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    500 games in the main test block, no chances

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    Javascript, Python, PHP, and every other not strong-typed language can, and obviously "a" is not an integer. But, Python version for instance only uses numbers, I haven't checked all languages (and probably won't do it), but it looks like javascript version is the one that uses mixed data type and its codeblock is the default example in the description for any other language that doesn't have its own.

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    The description is for all languages and you're talking about, which one?

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    I suggest you stop whining and start coding

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    Since it seems my attempt at explaining whooooshed hard, I will try to be more explicit now. So, this part: "[...] programming a solution to a problem should not include finding a solution first" is a very inaccurate perception of what programming is in general.

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    The time you have spent arguing here, could have been used to find the solution to this problem. Now you need to find additional time for that.

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