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    It doesn't says both are valid, it says one digit can belong to two adjacent digit-pairs.

    We define a digit-pair as: Two digits with at least one question mark between them.

    Your task is to check if there are exactly 3 question marks between every digit-pair and their sum equals to 10. If so, return true, otherwise return false.

    For that string your code should return false, as the similar sample test shows.

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    I solved the kata in JavaScript, so I am able to see your code. Your code passes the first sample tests, but fails in some of the series

      it("Special cases (splits at start/end and overlapping splits)", function() {

    for example

        Test.assertSimilar(splitWithoutLoss("aaaa", "|aa"), 
                           ["aa", "aa"])

    I don't think it works fine in VSC either.

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    FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

    This means you are using too much memory (you are probably building a gigantic array or something like this, or a part of your code keeps pushing value into something and never stops), and it is not a kata issue.

    Advice: your while loop is probably the culprit. You are probably not testing your code with the same input in VSC as here. Please refer to the documentation: