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    The fact that objects have no attributs does not mean that they do not differ in any way form each other. They are different nodes, and you can easily check if they are the same, or different node.

    The fact that nodes have no readable property does not make the kata broken.

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    It's broken in php. $node->next() returns only the same object, which has nothing in it except the next method. Literally. What should I do with it if the objects don't even differ from each other in any way and it falls into an endless cycle?

      $b = $node->getNext();
    array(0) {
    string(33) "O:4:"Node":1:{s:7:"*next";r:1;}"
    array(0) {
    string(33) "O:4:"Node":1:{s:7:"*next";r:1;}"
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    i don't even know what this is about

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    find the answer was not too diffcult, solve the timeout problem was important! feel fun with this KATA

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    Al final lo hiciste po!

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    You shoul tell us the concept, because many of us are lost in this kata!

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    Hello, I need help. I use c++ and for self-checking I wrote the Node class with similar methods myself. The problem is that the tests are running correctly on my computer (when I type in test examples), but when I test the code here, it gives a completely different value. What could this be related to?

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    You don't need the nodes' values. They might not even have values.

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    It doesn't depend on using the node value. The values could all be identical. The nodes don't even need to store a value inside of them.

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    Good question. I am struggling also with the node check.

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    look more carefuly at the description : it mentions the method getNext() to get the next node. So, in order to get the next node, you can do node = node.getNext().

    the node object is given as an argument, and is an instance of a custom class defined somewhere else.
    As the challenge require you don't modify these, it does not really matter what its implementation is.

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