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    The C# translation has been redone thorough the years, and most problems seem to be fixed: expected and actual were swapped, giving incorrect feedback, etc. OP's solution still fails because it's not valid.

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    Same issue. Wondering if lines already present in a string count as new paragraphs to justify? IE "dolor", "sit", "amet," are considered full paragraphs.

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    Same here :(

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    Got the same trouble on this input.
    With len = 15 result should look smth like this:


    but instead test suggests

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    Same bug. I can validate my solution works as expected with manual verification, and the expected value makes no sense.

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    Same here. This Kata's C# version is definetely bugged. Who has the power to undo such horrible mistake?

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    I have the same problem. I thought at first that maybe I had to account for newlines inside the source string, but even with that I get the same fail

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    I'm also hung up on this condition. I don't see how any input len would yield the Expected output. "Lorem ipsum\n" on one line but then "dolor\nsit\n" on two lines doesn't make any sense.

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    Solution presented in c# is wrong. Please fix it.