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    Yes but it is because the test suite is more robust now

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    See the bodies "Professor" and "Leela" only swith once (the last element). The restriction is about the bodies!, two pair of bodies are not allow to use the machine. The thing that says "map_" is just the final state of which body has which mind, so Leela is in Professor's body, Bender is in Amy's body, Amy is in Leela's body and Professor is in Bender's body.

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    I generate more efficiently the tests (The initial test suite takes now at most 3 sec to run all)

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    The thief cannot be a prince's friend. Thank you, I'll review the testcases and clarify it in the description

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    I updated the kata, the corner cases are now in sample tests, you can go and see then directly.

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    I don't mean indistinguishable, otherwise this list [1, 5, 1] with jump rate of 2 would give just 1 jump instead of 3. I didn't make it explicitely, but as Blind4Basics says, I was thinking as an element, index point of view without mentioning it. The example you gave ([1,1]) is not complete since Im not asking for the element 1. Instead, I'm always asking for the first position. That is element 1 at index 0 (Actually it is not necessarily the first element since it could be any position because its a cycle, but thats another story...)

    What about saying they are distinguishable because they can be mapped as a v,index ? would that avoid confusion?

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    Is it necessary to mantain the inputs as a regular lists? Because the size limit should be lower. I used np array since this problem can be solved with the same properties of a np.array as a regular list.

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    Hi, they are random tests and efficiency tests. Saw your solution and see this two examples when your solution is not working: (19, 9, 74, 89) and (10, 15, 59, 44)

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    I tried to be more specific in both examples. If it isnt clear, please re open a suggestion.

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    Hi. What about something like this? "For example, in a 10-story building, the down button is programmed to move the elevator down 5 floors, while the up button moves it up 3 floors. If you are on the 4th floor and press the down button, the elevator will remain on the 4th floor. Similarly, if you press the up button from the 8th floor, the elevator will stay on the 8th floor.", chatgpt helped haha, is it clearer? so I can update the kata

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    Im thinking about this and Im not quite sure if, perhaps, it is better to test to approximately values as you first recommended. What are your thoughts?

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