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    I'm a dumbass, fixed it!

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    Won't somebody please think of the children!"

    I mean about the abbreviations ..

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    Thank you for the help!

    I put the input in the titles.

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    I rearranged the order of the parameteres in the description and switched 'unrecognized' to 'not one of the above ("east", "west", "north", "south", or their abbreviations "e", "w", "n", "s")'

    I attempted to fix the last issue with making a copy of the starting position instead of directly using it, but I might have misunderstood the issue.

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    Submission tests should show what was the input when they fail. Make sure that either test titles, or failure messages, show the input position, direction, and distance. You can see authoring examples kata, or ask on Codewars Discord, for help.

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    1. If the direction is unrecognized, return the original position.

      It was not mentioned what kind of direction is "recognizable" and what is not in the description.

    2. Description contradicts the order of input in the actual code and tests

    3. For invalid direction in random tests, modifying the input array and then returning it will pass the assertion. This shouldn't happen.

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    This kata is not ready for publication. It has no initial code, and no example tests.

    Please do not publish kata before finishing it.

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    Dam, im way too dum for this but that's an awesome kata!