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Collections are a way for you to organize kata so that you can create your own training routines. Every collection you create is public and automatically sharable with other warriors. After you have added a few kata to a collection you and others can train on the kata contained within the collection.
Get started now by creating a new collection.
WOW . Good idea
What's the purpose of having @output? I thought that was used for class variables.
An even plus an odd integer will always return odd.
Same solution as mine, except you don't need to split the string since you can just iterate over a string using a for or a for of loop.
Really nice!
Накой строку преобразовывать в массив если ее и так можно перебрать?
because count is an object. the ternary operation is checkin if the property (key: value) is in the count object already. if yes, it adds 1 to the stored value, if not it sets/adds the property.
so if string = 'example', the first run is going to see that count is empty, so count['e'] doesn't exist, and it will set count[e] = 1. then you have count = {e: 1}.
Can someone explain to me how the characters are ending up in the 'count' variable in this solution? I understand that it works, I'm not quite getting how.
Awesome !!
Mind blown !! Excellent !
thats so docking clever
i think he doesnt talk about his comments, he means that his solution isnt the shortest and could be better
for..of loop, you mean - a for..in loop on a string will iterate over the indeces; a for..of loop will iterate over the characters.
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