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    Your code is wrong. See the input format:

    test.assert_equals(open_or_senior([(45, 12),(55,21),(19, -2),(104, 20)]),['Open', 'Senior', 'Open', 'Senior'])

    It is a list of tuples. So, data[0] is a tuple, and you can't use >= as the error says. And the output should be a list of strings. The kata is fine, your code is not. Please read this:

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    this site is broken bro; i wrote a simple solution but its saying some nonsense about ">= not supported between instances of tuple and int"

    so i copied&pasted into vscode my solution, gave it one of the basic test cases and IT WORKED,
    you dont understand how unbelievably angry i am right now

    p.s. i used python