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    @e1r0nd is the author of the translation. Hopefully he may fix that.

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    If someone wants to draft new Go test cases in the spirit of all the test cases are Jaden Smith tweets as in the original, I'd be down to approve that. I wouldn't want to prevent a solution like a levenshtein distance compared to different strings collected in a database of Jaden Smith tweets if someone wanted to do that.

    Edit to add: the multiple spaces bit, meanwhile, doesn't specifically go against the spirit of the Kata which would be translating alterations of Jaden's tweets back to how they were originally typed.

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    No worries it's just as mytrofanov said, A space After the last Word and bang it works.

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    You do something bad, necessarily. I've just used it successfully, as does the third topvoted solution. So please check your code. Look for online documentation if you don't find, you only need to import stuff properly, it's straightforward.

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    I import string but it did not work.

    And yes it is Python Thnk will Keep that in mind

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    ohh I'll Try that now

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    It does work, you must do something bad (you need to import it). Please say which language you use (I guess it's Python).

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