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    I honestly don't recall if that has been the case, sorry.
    When I saw the procided solutions from other users I also
    realized that it didn't matter what the input number was
    but I just felt it wasn't very well stated in the description.
    So I got a bit confused.

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    The description of this Kata wasn't very clear on what the result should be
    in my opinion, first of all in the description it said 3 "or" 5 but down in
    the test section it said 3 "and" 5. So I passed the Kata and here is what
    I "think" it wants as a result.

    So either a number is dividable by 3 "or" 5 or if it's not dividable by neither
    3 or 5 it wants the program to return 0 as it seems because that's what my code does.
    As an example, if you used the number 23 as input it would neither be dividable
    by 3 or 5 so it would return 0 and apparently the test doesn't seem to care about
    that or sees that as correct.

    This makes the task very confusing since one can't be sure if all the conditions were met
    and if you actually did it right and succeeded or if ones hacky approach just circumvented
    the test with approaches that it "should've" caught if they weren't correct.

    So I'm not very fond of the in my opinion unclear and incomplete description of the Kata
    and I feel like the tests haven't been testing all the potential outcomes.
    but all in all it was ok, I'd say.