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    Did you really just change the specifications on an approved kata with two languages and two more languages waiting to be approved?

    I'll be holding off on updating those translations, just in case you decide to change things again.

    I guess approval was premature.

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    It's all good. The solution matches the description now, thanks

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    Sorry about that.
    Not long ago I was asked to include more test with lowercase letters. I forgot to check description if it still makes sence.
    Anyway descriprion is updated now. Thanks for the report.

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    Awesome, thanks for the nice kata!

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    assertion messages are wrong

    I've fixed that(I think you are talking about swapping of actual and expected), if you think that's not the case please give me an example.

    Edit: Reference solution and description was inconsistent, I gave priority to description and changed the reference solution, now this should be fine in Java.

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    It is true, I already confirmed the issue below. There are two problems in Java:

    • specs on case sensitivity are wrong,
    • assertion messages are wrong

    These two factors make debugging of the kata really fun.

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    I'm pretty sure that's not true, but if it is, could you provide an example of such input and what's expected value?

  • Default User Avatar

    The test fails in JAVA with mixed case because this is not true:

    • Same letters share the same digit regardless of case
      In reality the test wants different number from same letter UPPER/lower case
      Eg. A->1 ; a->2
  • Default User Avatar

    Yes, the problem is with actual and expected values, where same letters do not share the same digit regardless of case

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    Which language?

    Help us help you.

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    When I run the random tests, I print my result in the console.
    Then it says I fail but the string I printed in the console does not match the output it says I failed.

    My print result: 1021234035000340607

    Message: "Input was: wLrwraYlaFLlLaYlclK,
    excpected: 1021234035000340607,
    but was: 1021234536050345758 ==>
    expected: <1021234035000340607>
    but was: <1021234536050345758>""