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    To respect the guiline, it should add tests with number and all special characters like :
    At six o'clock, the laying of the cable having been successfully accomplished, and the object in view attained; the 'Great Eastern' was once more left in her costly idleness. A French company, called the 'Sea-sickness Company, Limited,' was floated with a capital (in old francs) of 2,000,000.00 F

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    Use spoiler when you write hints or responses, please.

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    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ?
    When i = " " after custodes
    a = "uisQay ustodietcay psosiay ustodescay "
    b = ""
    Then i = ?
    So the script go else:
    a = a = a + b[1:] + b[0] + "ay" + i
    But b is null so index 0 or 1 don't exist.

    In your line if i.isalpha() and i != " " and i != "!":, and i != " " and i != "!" is unuse. If i is a letter, it's not a space or !.
    a = a + b[1:] + b[0] + "ay", just before return, isn't necessary, when the last character is a ponctuation.

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    Ah, I make a mistake. If the last character is a letter, the letter of the whole last word, the word didn't appear. Oops.