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    I have the same issue, I get all the correct results and can verify with google calculator as some random tests are not correct.. E.G this is returning a wrong result in your calculator

    How can I send my code to verify with your tests?

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    Since you passed the kata and there was no real issue as pointed by the fellow CodeWarriors
    I will mark the issue as resolved.

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    Passing the sample Tests does not mean that your code is working.
    I am assuming that you attempted the Kata in Python since it is your highest trained language.
    Python Tests are fine and working as expected.
    You should read this:

    P.s You can always post your code with a spoiler TAG and hopefully someone will help or you can join the discord channel and ask for help there.

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    My calculator implimentation works and passes all the first test cases.
    Then in the Fixed test cases one returns wrong result, and in the random ones one throws exception.

    I printed out the expressions given as input strings and tried the code and my caclulator, my PC's
    built in calculator and I found the same result!!
    But in codewars still refuses to accept my implimentation.

    Please contact me to send you the code to check it for your selves it works for all the test cases.
    I have worked had for it to work and I would like to get the points I deserve thanks a lot.
    Please respond as soon as possible!!


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    code may be working correctly but it is not easy to read, better documentation or variable names would be a nice thing to add for readability :)