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    Thanks for explanation, but I still don't get it. It is writen " This defect shows up in all positions (ones, tens, hundreds, etc)." So, in my example, for 15350 3 in hundreds changes to 5 and we get 15500. Aga, seems like I miss something here.

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    Hi, I don't quite get how the odometer shows 15339 if it skips 4s. According to the description the odometer should go from 15229 immediatly to 15500. What do I miss?

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    It is not clear from the description when to throw an exception from undo and when just to return? For example:

    1.Throw an exception after undo, get, undo:


    Test.assertEquals(unRe.get('y'), 2, 'The undo method restores the previous state')

    try {
    Test.expect(false, 'It should have thrown an exception');

      } catch (e) {
        Test.assertEquals(unRe.get('y'), 2);

    2.Shoud retun after undo, get,get, undo:

    Test.assertEquals(unRe.get('x'), 1, 'Undo the x value');
    Test.assertEquals(unRe.get('y'), 100, 'The y key stays the same');
    Please help.
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    For "Random true multidimetional tests" in 99.9% I get "Expected: true, instead got: false", but when I write console.log(arr) in 100% of cases I get
    arrays with numbers that are not squares. Seems like something wrong is here.

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    Thank you for the answer, but still don't understand. Personally I don't use log function in my code. And any call to call function handels by my custom

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    Guys, could somebody tell please is the following error is relevant or kata is broken?

    console.log("" + this.format(_message(Test.trace(ex)) ^
    TypeError: Object # has no method 'log'

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    This is strange but when i run your code I get for compareVersions("11", "10.1") false instead of true and the same for compareVersions("10.4.6", "")

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    I don't quite understand what does it mean "handler functions can subscribe and unsubscribe handlers, but the changes should only apply to the next emit call - the handlers for an ongoing emit call should not be affected"? Coould you please give an example?