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    it's not about the description, it's about the code!

    And "pokemon hit one by one" is a werid way to tell that the first argument hits first, meaning that in my example, slowpoke should definitely win, as you stated it, tho your reference solution expects pikachu.

    => don't resolve issues if you're not sure you handled them. Correctly.

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    As @docgunthrop pointed out, there're already several katas about 2 fighters exchanging hits.

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      { name: 'Sandslash', dmg: 11, def: 2, hp: 118 }
      { name: 'Slowpoke', dmg: 11, def: 11, hp: 14 }
    After 13 attacks:
      { name: 'Sandslash', dmg: 11, def: 2, hp: 1 }
      { name: 'Slowpoke', dmg: 11, def: 11, hp: 1 }
    Sandslash attacks and wins:
      expected 'Winner: Sandslash' to equal 'Winner: Slowpoke'

    Nothing's good.

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    You could probably just explicitly say something like A pokemon will always deal at least 1 damage to the opponent, even when their damage is less than or equal to the opponent's defense.

    As @Blind4Basics mentioned above, this information should be provided in the same context as the information about calculating damage, rather than as a note at the end. Flow of information (ie. continuity) is something that should be considered when writing your descriptions so as to avoid confusion.

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    Rewrute description. Is this look better now?

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    Does all fine now? I check reference, all look good.

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    So me need change cata or no? If it possible say me hot write more clear in rules. I am bad in English. What i want to say. If pokemon1 have 10 damage, and pokemon2 have 15defence. Pokemon1 in anyway deal 1 garanted damage. 10 - 9 = 1. 10 - 10 = 1, 10 - 100 = 1. But 12 - 10 = 2 and so on. Help me please. Many people say it wrong, but i check my solution many times and all look fine.

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    Marking this issue as resolved, but the description can be more clear about what minimal deal damage is 1 is supposed to mean. At first it sounded like any given Pokemon will have a minimum of 1 as their 'dmg' attribute.

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    Pikachu deal 1 damage per hit(12 his damage - 11 Mewtwo defence = 1)

    Mewtwo deal 1 damage per hit(17 his damage - 17 Pikachu defence = 0, but minimal is 1, you can read this in note)

    So Mewtwo should be the winner here. Its right?

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    the reference solution is incorrect, for now.

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    Is it impossible to solve this? It says that pikachu should have won, despite it being impossible for pikachu to win:
    ^ that's what I'm seeing in my results

    Edit: Nevermind I just saw that it says they deal 1 damage minimum.