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    As it mentioned in the description:

    "Now one can sort the firstnames in decreasing order of the winning numbers". So:

    Proper OUT: 'Lagon' #(it has less "winning numbers")

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    It's not condescending, it's an advice for all katas in general, I lost count of how many times I (or someone else) had to explain something that's already there, and simply reading it twice (or once, some people didn't even read the kata description and then complain about his/her code being right and the tests/description/everyone else being wrong) would do the click.

  • Default User Avatar

    The condescending tone isn't needed.

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    Use Objects and sort them

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    It's written in the kata description (so, at least for me, it's pretty clear), when something is not clear (for you) read it once again, sometimes the answer is already there.

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    These instructions are the problem. The rank needs to be decending order but that wasn't clear. it works for the Benjamin case since it is perfectly in the middle of the ranked names. Got it.

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    'Lily' is the second ranked name

    Now one can sort the firstnames in decreasing order of the winning numbers

    Why do you say Lily is the second one?

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    What don't I understand on the example test rank("Lagon,Lily", [1, 5], 2) == "Lagon")

    ranks = [(54, 'Lagon'), (310, 'Lily')] 'Lily' is the second ranked name, why is 'Lagon' the desired name? No one else seems to have this problem. Any clues appreciated.