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    While I enjoy the idea of this Kata the instructions are extremely unclear. There is a lot of considerations that need to be made to determine if a player should hit or not. This Kata does not help us outline the considerations that tell the players to hit or not to hit. Unless they are always supposed to hit until they achieve 21 but that seems kinda silly. The win conditions are also not outlined well and that causes a lot of confusion.

    In its current state I would avoid this kata which is a shame cause it does seem like it could be a fun one :/ please update this!

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    Sample test is broken

    Test.expect(tuner(1017), ['D6', '-48¢', "Pitch D6, Cent -49¢, 1017Hz"])
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    Please define what is closest

    ['C8', '-19¢'] should equal ['B7', '19¢']
    B7 = 3951.0656
    C8 = 4186.0096
    ['C10', '-44¢'] should equal ['B9', '44¢']
    B9 = 15804.2624
    C10 = 16744.0384