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    Not 100% sure since I'm just getting into swift myself but I'm pretty sure what is happening is that even though your float is showing as 126.0, it's actually something like 125.9999 and when you truncate to an Int it just chops off the .999

    I had a similar issue. I tried to cheat fix by just adding 1 to specific examples that were off by 1. That worked for all but one of the examples.

    Out put was telling me that 159 was the right answer when I got 158. When I added 1 to my answer it swapped and told me that 158 was the right answer now that I was returning 159.

    So bizarre. I didn't realize my output could affect the correct results.

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    I've been getting this error for 5 days now trying to complete this Kata.

    Server Execution Error:
    The server timed out waiting for the request to be processed. This may be due to high server load. Please try your request again.
    Request Error:
    Request failed with status code 500
    This error was caused due to an issue processing the web request, not because of an issue executing your code. You can retry the request.

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