In the Instructions: “5. The longest kill streak is worth 2^N, where N is the number of kills of the streak”, so I’ve began with the idea, that only one player, with the longest kill streak, gets points, and the others get 0. And surely enough it doesn’t work. So, I got, every player becomes points for their streak nevertheless is it the best/longest result among all the players or not.
Maybe it’s better to determine “5. The kill streak is worth …”
And one more thing, in the Instructions: “Players with the same score should be sorted by the order they appear in the array.” So, at first, I’ve sorted the results with key = (score, position) in case there are more than one player with the same score. But then I tried and found out, that the sorting with key = score can pass all the test as well.
So maybe it’s better to dismiss this part of Instructions, or to add additional tests, where two players or more have the same result.
Thank you.
Das war lustig aber … I couldn’t pass trough the first test (Python), the answer was
“! 4 Vokale/Vowels -> der OOOpa: 'das wort' should equal 'der OOOpa'”,
I’ve printed out the “wort” and it was “wort” for the first test, it should be “OOOpa”.
But I managed to pass through random tests and submit my solution. Bitte korrigieren!
And one more thing, in Instructions: “each noun containing 2/3 vowels …”,
to my mind “containing 2-3 vowels…” or “containing 2 or 3 vowels…” would be better. Danke!
In random tests for Python there is always one test, where one of the ingredients that is already added to the mixture is not presented in the recipe. To my mind it’s pretty cruel, while in this case one cannot make the cake strictly to the recipe.
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
In the Instructions: “5. The longest kill streak is worth 2^N, where N is the number of kills of the streak”, so I’ve began with the idea, that only one player, with the longest kill streak, gets points, and the others get 0. And surely enough it doesn’t work. So, I got, every player becomes points for their streak nevertheless is it the best/longest result among all the players or not.
Maybe it’s better to determine “5. The kill streak is worth …”
And one more thing, in the Instructions: “Players with the same score should be sorted by the order they appear in the array.” So, at first, I’ve sorted the results with key = (score, position) in case there are more than one player with the same score. But then I tried and found out, that the sorting with key = score can pass all the test as well.
So maybe it’s better to dismiss this part of Instructions, or to add additional tests, where two players or more have the same result.
Thank you.
This solution is nice and short, but it is O(^2).
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Das war lustig aber … I couldn’t pass trough the first test (Python), the answer was
“! 4 Vokale/Vowels -> der OOOpa: 'das wort' should equal 'der OOOpa'”,
I’ve printed out the “wort” and it was “wort” for the first test, it should be “OOOpa”.
But I managed to pass through random tests and submit my solution. Bitte korrigieren!
And one more thing, in Instructions: “each noun containing 2/3 vowels …”,
to my mind “containing 2-3 vowels…” or “containing 2 or 3 vowels…” would be better. Danke!
In random tests for Python there is always one test, where one of the ingredients that is already added to the mixture is not presented in the recipe. To my mind it’s pretty cruel, while in this case one cannot make the cake strictly to the recipe.
Nice Kata, thanks, only why is it stated in the description, that “Filenames and extensions will only contain letters (case sensitive), and numbers”?
Very nice, only you don’t need .replace("II", "I") at the end.
In random tests one of them was: running_pace(0.2, '294:09') => '1470:45' should equal '1470:44'
Infinite loops cannot happen, while in Instructions it is written: All test cases guarantee that a valid password is possible.
Thanks for this kata! But it’s marked with “ALGORITHMS”, so one can expect that only decisions with O(n) would pass the tests.
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The key ‘1’ in d is excessive, respectively you don’t need to check if l != '1'.
thanks for the explanation!
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