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    I have the exact same issue with failing tests 5, 14, and 15. I didn't know anything about upper limits of data types so I am going to research further to see if I can find anything. Did you figure this one out? I don't want the answer just any guidance in the right direction if you have it :-)

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    Well I'm impressed of your solution to find LCM totally efficient way congrats!

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    Approved! Thanks.

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    Scala translation ready for review.

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    Issue's are kata-related, for help with code use question's. You should also format your code correctly because it's impossible to tell what your code looks like with whitespace.

    this code run as description wanted to run

    Not at all. You're not placing second char at the end of the word, and you're not keeping chars at the indices [2; len(word)-2] at their original place. Maybe there're more problems, but it's hard to work out what this unreadable code does.

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    My code works well for all tests except tests 14, 15 and 5.
    Lets take test 5 as sample.
    for n = 151042752, I entered from p=1 to p=17 where the calculated number reaches upper limit of Long. And among these p inputs; I've never get 3263 which the number I got from the error of code's attempt output instead of -1 this made me confused please help. Same thing for test 14 and 5.

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