For Example: [1, 0, 2] => 1 and 0 are the breakers. > 1 is the first breaker <.
When removed 1, sequence becomes ordered by ascending => [0, 2]
When removed 0, sequence becomes ordered by ascending => [1, 2]
You need to figure out the first breaker. Breaker is the item, when removed from sequence, sequence becomes ordered by ascending.
wow, if i think that i'm doing that with a lot of rows i feel bad, but now i know Set's power
you didn't translate the random tests, tho. That's the main part of it...
It's in the kata description:
I have a doubt:
Why test4 is 1, 0, 2 --> 1? it shouldn't be zero?
No this is sorcery >:D
Wow, are you a wizard?
bem vindo ao clube kkkk
after completed a kata, watching the solutions make me feel dumb... like now