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    Nope, based on solution length, logic generation and intuition of the task, it is a perfect candidate for 7kyu. You may solve more 7kyus or start off from 8kyus if you do not feel comfortable with such problems, closing!

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    Please use spoiler flag when posting your code. And also use proper code formatting (triple backticks to surround your code lines) as it is visible from the dashboard. We could only help you if you post your code properly with code formatting as your latest code submission is different from the one you've posted and the current one is impossible to read or debug.

    OTOH, Your latest code seems to be a copy of someone's else or coming from an automated tool, which is a red sign !!!

    You need to read on how to troubleshoot your solution and the Code of Conduct

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    There may or may not be tests for spaces, but your code should handle any characters. If your code can't handle spaces, then you're on the wrong track.