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    I see, thank you for the feedback. I'll stop authoring for now and just focus on learning more.

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    But when you say that users must use while loop, tests have to check this.

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    I think because the while loop directly models the problem's sequential reduction requirement. And I kinda notice most of the kata are solved using for loops so it might be nice if there's a kata that can be solved only using while loops.

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    Hello @Echo1995,

    Due to large amount of kata published by you all of which turned out to be of a quality far from sufficient, I temporarily revoked your ability to create new kata. Please take a look at existing resources which are meant to support new kata authors:

    Please read through the resources linked above, an make sure you understand the described points. Do not hesitate to visit the Codewars Discord server with any questions you might have.

    Feel free to poke me on Discord or write an email to (with a link to this post) whenever you think you are ready to get your authoring ability back.


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    "Rules: You must use a while loop to solve this kata."

    Why, a for loop or recursion could solve this as well? Also how do you expect to enforce this?

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    You're not using the Codewars Python Test Framework, making this kata impossible to complete.

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    What does this mean?

    Notice: if a couple is already giving birth to a piglet, skip it when it given birth to it

    I propose you use an AI tool to review your descriptions. Most of your sentences are a bit iffy.

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    You can republish when you're ready to move this kata from a draft state back to a beta state.

    Just so we're clear: as long as pigs start to breed before they die (13 days for boars and 14 days for sows), they'll successfully breed a new piglet (and then immediately die)?

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    The two problems you wrote was all fixed just now

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    Thank for your notices, i will fix error you said, if you willing, you can help me make description more clear

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    The description is lacking key details and is under-defined. For example, the mechanics for how breeding works isn't entirely clear. Can a boar be 12 days old and still breed with a sow (meaning the boar would technically die during the breeding process), or do we need to factor in the age of death of the pigs before breeding begins? The pig type upon breeding isn't entirely clear either. You say it alternates, but does that mean it alternates globally, or for each new batch of breeding?

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    sample tests are missing const {assert} = require('chai');

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    Fixed first one. Second suggestion is changed to:

    These soldiers will adopt the cadence of their neighbor.

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    b. If the rounded-down average is the soldier's current cadence, they the cadence moves one step towards the fastest neighbor's cadence.

    Not sure about my suggestion below, but yours doesn't fit the meaning:

    That soldier will adapt the cadence of their cadence on their neighbor.

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