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    Great Kata, had fun with it, agree that probably needs performance test

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    HI all, I just figured out how to check the tested input and its awesome :)

    however I am struggling here to find out how to replace the undefined or empty arrays (groups that are empty but not at the end of the groupings array).

    So like instead of:

    I have
    [[1,2,3|,[12,15],undefined (or []),[34,37]

    Can somebody help me please? I really worked many hours on this issue and I would love to be able to submit it :)

    Thanks, Ra

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    I really enjoyed this kata, thanks!

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    You are correct i was reading it wrong, now test are passing, thanks!

    Still , the description should have an example on odd array

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    you are reading the error log wrong

    testing for [59,71,9,100,8] expected [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 71 ] ] to equal [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 100, 71 ], [ 100 ] ]

    you returned [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 71 ] ], while the answer is (as you calculated) [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 100, 71 ], [ 100 ] ]

    not a kata issue

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    testing for [59,71,9,100,8]
    expected [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 71 ] ]
    to equal [ [ 59, 71, 9, 100, 8 ], [ 8, 71, 100 ], [ 100, 71 ], [ 100 ] ]

    I don't fully get it, according to the description
    'If the number of contestants is odd, the last one of the current array becomes the first of the next round.'

    So after the first round we end up with [ 8, 71, 100 ] which is odd, so the calculation should be for 8 && 71 , moving 100 to the next round
    But your test shows in the next round only [ 71 ] instead [ 100, 71 ], and later the answer [ 100 ].

    Also description should have an example with odd array

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    Same as python

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    Javascript test cases need's to check for column winners, my solution passes withouth check it , despites than that, great kata!