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    I am not seeing of examination ( (lenString == 0) || (k > lenString) || (k <= 0) ) ?

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    Thank you for answer. I read "Troubleshooting Your Solution" "When I run "Test", everything passes, but when I hit “Attempt” tests fail".
    As far as I understand "Attemp" consist of 2 parts: 1- handle basic cases (such as in "Test") 2-handle random cases.
    Why in "Test" all basic test passed, but in "Attemp" basic test failed?

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    when i push Test

    Time: 2042msPassed: 1Failed: 0
    Test Results:
    Test Example
    should handle basic cases
    Test Passed
    Completed in 0.0796ms
    You have passed all of the tests! :)

    but when i push Attemp

    Time: 2088msPassed: 1Failed: 1Exit Code: 1
    Test Results:
    Test Example
    should handle basic cases
    Test Failed
    : 3
    to equal
    : 1
    Completed in 0.6610ms
    should handle random cases
    Test Passed
    Completed in 0.0234ms

    why basic test failed on Attemp, but not failed on Test?